Sarah – the editor of pi.zine! –  is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister and an author/speaker known for her work on the relationship between religion and math/science. A polymath within this interdisciplinary field, she has done everything from “speaking math” in the pulpit to sitting around the table with noted physicists and native speakers as an invited participant in a Bohmian Dialogue. A member of the Nebraska Mediation Association, Sarah is currently an interest-based mediation practitioner affiliated with the Concord Center in Omaha. She is also presently at work on a new project involving Moral Math Training Sessions.

Sarah was recently interviewed by Tom McFarlane on Holos: Forum for a New World View. A copy of that interview can be found here.

Dr. Voss holds an undergraduate education degree (mathematics major, English minor) from the Ohio State University, a Masters of Arts for Teachers (mathematics emphasis) from the University of Cincinnati and a Doctor of Ministry from the Meadville/Lombard Theological School in Chicago. She served churches in Chicago and Iowa, has been both a police and a hospital chaplain, developed and taught an award-winning class on mathematics and religion, and has traveled, lectured, and preached widely. A former mathematics professor, she believes mathematics is an ideal language for modern-day mystics.

In her role as pastor, the Rev. Voss has written Voice to Voice, Heart to Heart: The Story of an Interim Ministry; Out of Our Prayers, Hope; and several as yet unpublished works. Her work with mathematics and metaphysics includes  What Number Is God?; Zero: Reflections About Nothing, and many essays about the math/science/religion connection. Read examples of and more about her literary work in Sarah’s Notebook and Writings.

Sarah describes herself as a mother and exuberant grandmother. Her spouse, Dan Sullivan, is Professor Emeritus in the chemistry department at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and is also the photographer for Zero.